Our Story

The FCCAN Story

The Fort Collins Community Action Network (FCCAN) is a solid grassroots organization comprised of independent affiliates.

FCCAN has been a driving force in Northern Colorado’s progressive movement for over eighteen years; many of its members have been active for over twenty years.

During that time, we have seen Northern Colorado experience dramatic changes due to growth, development, and shifts in the economic and social bases.

We have also seen the rise of single issue groups with limited resources and moderate success at coalition building.FCCAN brings cohesion to these community efforts.

Working together, we have created a viable community-oriented center with diverse leadership and participation that serves as an organizational vehicle for democratic and populist activism.

FCCAN is operated by a volunteer spokes council (board of directors); affiliates have their own volunteer steering committees.

FCCAN was incorporated in Colorado in December 2000, with our previous name, “the Center for Justice, Peace, and Environment.” We were established as a not-for-profit tax exempt organization in December 2001. In December of 2011, we changed our name to the Fort Collins Community Action Network.

For more information about how we organize ourselves to coalition build, we invite you to read all about FCCAN and its Affiliates. Thanks!